KMC – Kathmandu Model College

Top Reasons To Choose KMC College After Plus Two

Choose KMC College for expert faculty, modern facilities, diverse courses, global exposure and strong industry ties at an affordable cost.

Kathmandu Model College, affiliated with Tribhuvan University is committed to developing leaders in management and social sciences. Established in 2003, the college offers a range of educational programs from preschool to Master’s degree level with a focus on delivering high-quality education.

Moreover, the college achieved the prestigious QAA certificate from UGC in 2023, confirming its commitment to educational excellence. It offers diverse undergraduate and graduate courses, including BBA, BBM, BBS, BCA and BA programs. In addition, it provides MBS and MA programs affiliated with Tribhuvan University.

Top Reasons to Choose KMC College After Plus Two Why It's the Best Decision

The college’s well-known teachers are dedicated to improving students’ learning experiences. Moreover, the college offers cutting-edge facilities like innovation labs and placement cells to prepare students for success in the global job market.

Similarly, the college is a leading institution in Nepal, with a faculty committed to enhancing students’ learning and personal growth. It has top-notch facilities, including an innovation lab and placement cell, to meet the needs of the 21st-century job market.

Moreover, the college takes pride in its modern infrastructure, including computer labs, multimedia rooms, and sports facilities. It also values partnerships with prestigious institutions and offers collaborations with organizations like Idea Studio and Genese Cloud Academy. 

Situated in Bagbazar, the college has gained popularity due to its UGC-certified Quality Assurance and Accreditation. The college provides a structured educational journey, focusing on personality development, problem-solving, leadership, and employability skills.

Why KMC College Stands Out After Plus Two?

Choosing the right college after your Plus Two is a significant choice that will shape your future. Kathmandu Model College is quite possibly the best decision you can make. Here’s why Kathmandu Model College (KMC) could be the ideal fit for you.

1. Experienced and Friendly Teachers

At Kathmandu Model College, you’ll learn from educators who are experts in their fields. These instructors will guide you, answer your questions, and help you understand complex topics, making learning enjoyable and effective.

2. Modern Facilities

Kathmandu Model College has excellent facilities that make studying there an extraordinary experience. You’ll find exceptional science labs, an immense library with a wealth of resources, and modern study halls with the latest technologies. Moreover, these facilities help you learn better and make studying more engaging.

3. Variety of Courses

Kathmandu Model College offers a wide range of courses. Whether you are interested in science, commerce, arts, or newer fields like software engineering and biotechnology, you’ll find a course that matches your interests at the college. In addition, the curriculum is updated regularly to keep up with industry trends, ensuring you get the best education possible.

4. All-Round Development

Education at Kathmandu Model College isn’t just about books. The college encourages you to participate in sports, cultural events, and various clubs. Moreover, these activities help you develop important life skills like leadership, teamwork and communication. They also make your college life fun and exciting.

5. Internships and Job Opportunities

Kathmandu Model College has connections with many industries and organizations. This means you’ll have numerous opportunities for internships and job placements. The college routinely hosts career fairs and workshops where you can meet experts and learn about different professions. These connections can help you start a successful career after graduation.

6. Research and Innovation

If you’re interested in research, Kathmandu Model College (KMC) is the perfect place for you. Moreover, the college supports students in conducting research projects and provides all the necessary resources, including labs and expert guidance. Working on research projects can give you a deeper understanding of your chosen field and enhance your resume.

7. Global Exposure

Kathmandu Model College offers various programs that provide global exposure. You can participate in student exchange programs, international internships and joint projects with colleges abroad. These experiences allow you to learn about different cultures and gain a global perspective which is crucial in today’s interconnected world.

8. Supportive Community

At Kathmandu Model College, you’ll be part of a supportive and friendly community. The college offers counseling services and peer support groups to help you with any challenges you might face. This supportive environment ensures that you can focus on your studies and personal development.

9. Affordable Education

Kathmandu Model College provides quality education at a reasonable cost. Moreover, the college offers various scholarships and financial aid options to help you manage your education expenses. This means you can get a top-notch education without worrying too much about the cost.

10. Successful Alumni Network

Kathmandu Model College has a strong network of successful alumni who work in various industries. As a student, you can benefit from this network through mentorship and job opportunities. The alumni network can help you make valuable connections and guide you in your career path.


In conclusion, experienced teachers and the modern facilities of KMC College ensure effective learning. Moreover, with various courses available, you can find your ideal program. The college promotes all-round development through sports, cultural activities, and clubs. Additionally, industry connections offer internships and job opportunities for students. Global exposure programs broaden horizons, and a supportive community encourages growth.

Furthermore, affordable education and scholarships make it accessible. The alumni network provides mentorship and job opportunities, laying a strong foundation for your career. Join Kathmandu Model College for academic, personal and professional growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing Kathmandu Model College offers you numerous benefits including experienced faculty, modern facilities, a wide range of courses, strong industry connections, and a supportive community. Moreover, these factors together provide a well-rounded education that prepares you for future success.

At Kathmandu Model College, you will learn from experienced and friendly teachers who are experts in their fields. They are dedicated to helping you understand complex topics and achieve academic success, making your learning experience both enjoyable and effective.

Kathmandu Model College boasts state-of-the-art facilities including well-equipped science labs, a comprehensive library, and modern classrooms with the latest technology. These resources enhance your learning experience and support your academic endeavors.

Kathmandu Model College offers a diverse range of courses in fields such as science, commerce, arts, computer science, and biotechnology. This variety allows you to choose a program that aligns with your interests and career goals.

Kathmandu Model College encourages participation in sports, cultural events, and various clubs. Moreover, these extracurricular activities help you develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, contributing to your overall personal growth and making your college life enjoyable.

Explore 10 career options after finishing your BBA. Find out what to do next after BBA graduation and start your career on the right track.

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is an undergrad program that focuses on business management and organization, covering subjects like finance, bookkeeping, promoting, HR and vital administration. 

Top 10 career options after BBA


The educational plan covers basics of business activities, initiative standards, authoritative way of behaving, and dynamic cycles. Graduates can seek after vocations in finance, promoting, counseling, business venture, HR, and tasks the executives.

BBA programs include homeroom addresses, bunch projects, contextual investigations, temporary positions, and functional activities, advancing decisive reasoning, logical capacities, correspondence, and critical thinking abilities.

Objectives Of A Bachelor Of Business Administration:

The BBA curriculum for students has the following key objectives:

  1. Familiarize them with real-world business difficulties and teach them how to understand and solve actual business obstacles. 
  2. To prepare for mid-level business roles in a variety of industries.
  3. To deliver a high-quality education that includes information management and computer courses.
  4. To prepare and inspire students to achieve their full potential in postgraduate study.

Top 10 career options after BBA

A Bachelor of Business Administration degree outfits people with reasonable information,  practical abilities, and the capacity to work in different areas, making it a significant starting point for future MBA studies and potential section level jobs.

A BBA degree equips graduates with skills in management, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship, offering numerous career opportunities in the corporate world.

Here are top 10 career options after BBA.

  1. Sales Executive
  2. Corporate Jobs
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Business Administrator
  5. Finance
  6. Marketing
  7. Investment Banker
  8. Human Resources
  9. International Business
  10. Accountant 

1. Sales Executive

BBA graduates are attracted to the job of Sales Executive  because of its dynamic and rewarding nature. Sales executives draw in with clients, drive income development, and apply their business discernment and vital reasoning in a commonsense setting. 

They dissect market patterns, distinguish deals, valuable opportunities, and promote systems to amplify deals potential. Sales executives   can advance to more elevated level jobs, like Project supervisor, Vice President of Sales with compensation and execution based rewards. 

The job offers a different workplace, permitting BBA graduates to use their relational abilities, flexibility, and discussion capacities to defeat difficulties and accomplish deals targets. Consistent mastering and ability improvement valuable opportunities are additionally accessible through preparing programs, workshops, mentorship, organizing events, and expert certificates.

2. Corporate Jobs

BBA graduates frequently pick corporate positions because of their organized career path, steadiness, various opportunities, serious pay, proficient improvement assets, and cooperative workplaces.

These positions offer an organized way for headway, with section level jobs in finance, showcasing, HR, tasks, or deals. They likewise give soundness and security, as they are commonly connected with legitimate organizations with a solid market presence.

Corporate positions offer an assorted scope of jobs, permitting graduates to investigate different business regions and track down their specialty. Cutthroat remuneration and arrangement for assistance are additionally offered, perceiving the worth of BBA graduates’ commitments.

Also, corporate positions give opportunities to proficient turn of events and gaining from experienced associates. In general, corporate positions permit graduates to make significant commitments to the business world while propelling their expert goals.

3. Entrepreneurship

BBA graduates frequently seek after entrepreneurship for various reasons, including independence, imagination, and the opportunity to have an enduring effect in the business world. With a strong groundwork in business organization, they have fundamental information in finance, promoting, tasks, and key administration.

Entrepreneurs have the freedom to set their own schedules, make decisions, and chart their paths to success. They can build meaningful businesses, contribute to economic growth, and solve pressing challenges. 

Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to set their own timetables, simply decide, and diagram their ways to progress. They can assemble significant organizations, add to monetary development, and tackle squeezing difficulties. Business additionally offers monetary prizes and abundance creation, as effective endeavors can produce significant benefits. 

Ceaseless learning and self-improvement are likewise benefits, as building a business requires strength and versatility. Business advances a culture of development, permitting graduates to challenge customary plans of action and drive change. 

All in all, the business venture offers an exhilarating excursion of self-revelation, development, and accomplishment for BBA graduates.

4. Business Administrator

Consulting  is a well known decision among BBA graduates because of its allure of tackling complex business issues, working with different clients, and potential open doors for proficient development. Experts apply their scientific abilities and business thoughts in different settings, tending to vital, functional, or authoritative difficulties. 

They work in unique, cooperative conditions with different groups, cultivating a culture of collaboration and information sharing. Consulting  offers fast learning and professional movement, permitting graduates to widen their abilities and extend their insight base. 

They assume a significant part in assisting clients with exploring complex business conditions, pursuing informed choices, and executing powerful arrangements. 

Consulting   firms frequently work with driving organizations, government offices, and not-for-profit associations, giving openness to different societies and markets. Serious pay and arrangement for assistance further pursue counseling and appealing professional decisions.

5. Finance

BBA graduates are progressively picking finance as a profession because of its different opportunities, high procuring potential, and the valuable chance to work in unique, quick moving conditions. 

The field offers a large number of jobs, including monetary examination, venture banking, risk the board, monetary preparation, and corporate money. BBA graduates can represent considerable authority in regions that line up with their inclinations and objectives, for example, breaking down monetary information or overseeing speculation portfolios. 

The powerful idea of finance keeps them endlessly roused to seek after additional training and expert turn of events. Furthermore, finance is a universally perceived field that offers global openness and portability, drawing in graduates keen on growing their viewpoints and building multifaceted skills.

6. Marketing

BBA graduates frequently pick Marketing because of the assorted opportunities, innovative viewpoints, and dynamic nature of the field. Promoting jobs incorporate statistical surveying examiner, brand director, advanced showcasing subject matter expert, publicizing leader, and item chief. 

These alumni can spend significant time in regions that line up with their inclinations and abilities, for example, examining buyer conduct, creating advertising efforts, and overseeing brand procedures. 

Marketing is a unique field that presents steady difficulties and potential open doors for development, permitting BBA graduates to explore changing buyer patterns, arising innovations, and market scenes. By creating powerful advertising methodologies. 

BBA graduates can add to the achievement and benefit of organizations across different businesses. Marketing offers interesting opportunities for BBA graduates to shape customer insights, drive brand achievement, and accomplish their own and proficient yearnings.

7. Investment Banker

BBA graduates are progressively picking an Investment Banker career because of its prestigious and financially rewarding way in the finance industry. This job includes dealing with high-profile financial exchanges, prompting partnerships, state run administrations, and different substances on  financial issues like consolidations and acquisitions, capital raising, and rebuilding. 

Investment bankers utilize their scientific abilities and finance aptitude to assess organizations’ financial exhibition, survey valuation measurements, and distinguish speculation opportunities for clients. They likewise have amazing opportunities  for professional success and expert development, beginning as Investigators or Partners and advancing to more elevated level jobs. 

They work with different clients and gain experiences into plans of action, market elements, and useful learning experiences. They can likewise improve their abilities through preparing projects, mentorship, and expert accreditations.

8. Human Resources

BBA graduates frequently pick HR (HR) careers  because of the different opportunities, relational viewpoints, and the possibility to decidedly influence hierarchical culture and representative prosperity. HR experts can spend significant time in regions like enlistment, execution of the board, worker commitment, or hierarchical turn of events. 

They can likewise work intimately with individuals, tending to their requirements and concerns, and advancing a positive workplace. HR is a powerful field that presents difficulties and potential opportunities for development, permitting graduates to use their relational abilities, compassion, and critical abilities to think to address complex HR issues. 

HR experts additionally drive vital drives, shape authoritative culture, and add to representative prosperity. Nonstop learning and expert improvement are additionally esteemed, with affirmations, studios, classes, and systems administration occasions upgrading HR information. 

HR is a well known decision for BBA graduates, as it permits them to help and foster individuals inside associations, driving hierarchical achievement and accomplishing individual and expert yearnings.

9. International Business

BBA graduates frequently pick international business because of its assorted profession potential opportunities, worldwide opportunities, and the opportunity to work in multicultural conditions. 

The field offers jobs, for example, promoting chief, store network administrator, exchange trained professional, culturally diverse specialist, and business improvement director. BBA graduates can work in regions like market section systems, examination, money, or activities of the executives. 

They appreciate working in multicultural conditions, collaborating with different partners and exploring social subtleties. The unique idea of global business presents difficulties and potential open doors for development, permitting BBA graduates to widen their logical abilities and critical abilities to think to resolve complex issues. 

They likewise have the chance to have an unmistakable effect on worldwide business results, distinguishing and benefiting from worldwide market potential open doors, and driving global development. The field values social capability, versatility, and a worldwide outlook.

10. Accountant 

BBA graduates are progressively picking a profession in accounting because of its flexibility, and valuable opportunities for logical work. Accountants oversee financial information, plan fiscal summaries, and guarantee administrative consistency. 

They work in different businesses, for example, public accounting  firms, partnerships, government offices, non-benefit associations, and counseling firms. Accountants  can advance to more significant level jobs, like Senior Accountants, Accounting Director, Controller, or CFO. 

They can likewise seek after proficient accreditations to upgrade their certifications. Accountants support direction and vital preparation inside associations, giving precise financial data to empower informed choices and asset allotment.

By utilizing their business training and mathematical abilities, BBA graduates can succeed in Accountanting jobs, adding to hierarchical accomplishment across different ventures.


In conclusion, after obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), graduates can seek after different professions, including corporate jobs, business, further training, and concentrated fields like money, showcasing, counseling, or inventory network the executives. These ways offer open doors for proficient development and satisfaction, with each offering novel open doors for development and satisfaction. For those keen on corporate jobs, potential open doors exist in finance, advertising, HR, and tasks of the executives. For business ventures, graduates can seek independence, inventiveness, and the valuable chance to develop something from the beginning.

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