IDJINA [Journal]
ISSN 2976-1024 (print)
IDJINA: Interdisciplinary Journal of Innovation in Nepalese Academia is a bi-annual research journal published by Kathmandu Model College, Kathmandu, Nepal. It provides a forum for the publication of scholarly articles in the fields of management, computer application, and humanities & social sciences.

Part I: Management, Social & Computer Science
Voters’ Perception and Women’s Electoral Success in Nepal: An Econometric Analysis
Sagar B.K., Arjun Kumar Baral, Pramshu Nepal, Smeeth BistaTourism and Tradition: Heritage Conservation Practices and Challenges Amid Mass Tourism
Dipendra Karki, Rewan Kumar Dahal, Binod Ghimire, Surendra Prasad JoshiPolicyholder Surrender Behavior in the Nepalese Life Insurance Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rabindra Ghimire, Bharat Singh Thapa, Vilas WaikarCognitive Dissonance in University Choice Among Graduate Students
Jyoti Luintel, Baburam TimsinaSelf-Compassion and Spiritual Well-Being Among Employees in Educational Institutions
Rinisha Tandukar, Nitesh Kumar Shah, Bibhav AdhikariPart II: Humanities
Exploring Eastern Philosophy in Radha by Krishna Dharabasi: A Comprehensive Analysis
Dhurba Prasad TimalsinaPart I: Management, Social & Computer Science
An Analysis of the Economic Performance of Nepal’s Provinces
Kumar Bhattarai
Factors Affecting the Internet Banking Adoption in Kathmandu Valley
Sabina Shrestha, Mijala Kayestha
Saving Behavior Factors among Working Students in Kathmandu Valley Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Samjhana Gyawali, Ranjana Kumari Danuwar, Niranjan Devkota, Ajaya Dhakal
Exploring Emotional Triggers in Advertising: A Study of Consumer Buying Behavior in Kathmandu Valley
Sandeep Sharma, Devid Kumar Basyal, Purnima Lawaju, Abhishek Thakur, Anil Bhandari, Udaya Raj Paudel
Effect of Perceived Workplace Support on Employee Job Performance with the Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy in Nepalese Commercial Banks
Dinesh Basnet, Sarita Shah, Dhruba Prasad Subedi
Financial Development and Foreign Direct Investment Impact on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nepal
Abhishek Pandey, Zenisha Shrestha, Krishna Raj Acharya
Empowerment, Job Involvement, and Socio-demographic Characteristics: The Case of Part-Time Faculty Members
Prakash Shrestha, Sita Bhandari
Part II: Humanities
Syntactic Parallelism in Muglan
Ajit Dhimal, Dhurba Prasad Timalsina
Part I: Management, Social & Computer Science
Determinants of Microfinance Adoption, Challenges Encountered, and Principal Solutions: An Empirical Analysis Using Theory of Planned Behaviour
Sushma Magar, Devid Kumar Basyal, Purnima Lawaju, Udaya Raj Paudel, Devi Kumari Poudel
Nexus between Aging and Health Expenditure: An Evidence from Nepal
Tanka Mani Poudel, Ram Prasad Gajurel
Financial Literacy and Personal Financial Planning among the Households of Migrant Workers in Rainas Municipality, Lamjung, Nepal
Anup Ghimire, Ranjana Kumari Danuwar, Bimla Kumari Gurung, Ajaya Dhakal, Dhurba Prasad Timalsina, Deep Kumar Baral
Adoption of Digital Payment System among the Youths in Pokhara Metropolitan City
Hem Kanta Poudel, Deepesh Ranabhat, Pradeep Sapkota, Mala Ranabhat
Taxi Driver’s Perception Towards Taxi Management in Kathmandu Valley: A Structural Equation Model Analysis
Anshu Ghimire, Vaibhav Puri, Niranjan Devkota, Surendra Mahato, Udaya Raj Paudel
Impact of Personality Traits on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Development
Bhupal Bikram Kathayat, Dipak Singh Rawat, Bablu Gurung
Nexus Between Consumer Ethnocentrism and Purchase Intentions
Dipendra Karki, Upashan Khadka
Part II: Humanities
Decolonial Rhetoric of Indigenous Tharu Homestays in Nepal
Purna Chandra Bhusal
Human-Nature Interface in William Cowper’s “The Poplar Field” and E.B.White’s “Once More to the Lake”
Arjun Nath, Dhurba Prasad Timalsina
PART I: Management, Social & Computer Science
Learning Orientation for Performance of Commercial Banks in Nepal: A Mediated Model Using Customer Relationship Management.
Sarita Bista, Niranjan Devkota, Krishna Dhakal, Surendra Mahato, Udaya Raj Paudel
Factor Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Banking Services of Commercial Bank in Kathmandu Valley
Narendra Thakuri, Ajaya Dhakal, Ranjana Kumari Danuwar, Deep Kumar Baral, Amita Koirala
Learning Approaches used by Different Applications to Achieve Deep Fake Technology
Ashish Maharjan, Asish Shakya
PART I: Management, Social & Computer Science
Ananda Ghimire & Deep Kumar Baral
Enhancement of WRF Model Using CUDA
Ashish Maharjan & Asish Shakya
Chandra Prasad Dhakal
Rishiram Adhikari
PART II: Humanities
Badri Prasad Acharya & Prabal Koirala
Bimal Gautam
Kalpana Thapa
Laxman Bhatta
Nabaraj Dhungel
Guidelines for Manuscript
Manuscript should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th Edition).
Manuscript Types
a) Research Article
b) Book Reviews
Research Manuscript
Research Manuscript (4,000-8,000 words) related to the aims and scope of the journal.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews (750-1,200 words) include critiques of recent books (published within the past three years) related aims and scope of the journal.
Minimum 300 – Maximum 350 words
Provide five to eight keywords regarding the scope of manuscript.
References must be cited in APA style, alphabetically by author and date. All references listed in the References list must appear in text, and all references cited in the text must appear in the References list.
Font Size & Style
Font: Times New Roman | Font Size: 12 ft | Spacing: 1.5 (Before 0, After 0)
Author Profile
The author(s) should provide a brief profile focusing on background of the article and author(s) current institutional affiliation and corresponding email address.