KMC – Kathmandu Model College

Welcome to the Ground of Marketing: KYC – 2020

I am glad to win this event to explore myself. A couple of months ago, I lived extremely excited when I found out that I have been selected at the place to be part of this mega event i.e. Kathmandu Youth Conclave. I remember the last year worked for this event as an organizer which pushed me to get into it again to experience with new team members. This event held in Pragya Prathistan Bhawan for the 2nd time which was going to be a rollercoaster ride for me. I was among the core member representing Kathmandu Model College (KMC) along with my mates and juniors. I got an opportunity where I could discover myself in a constructive way. I got thrilled when I listened to taking an interview for selecting the organizer for team KMC. This amazed me for a minute -Is this for real? But then, when we had to interview as an interviewer, we finalized the questions and followed the procedures. We selected almost 20 students as an organizer. Our team leader Nischal Sangraula delivered orientation to them regarding the event. We had one-month preparation time for this event. I knew this journey would be challenging but I was damn sure that investing your time and effort in something productive will develop your will power to trade minds with the people you want to get to and influence.

Our title sponsor for this event KYC 2020 was Ncell where we had a session with the marketing expert. He mentioned about distributing free Ncell SIM cards to those students who will be attending the event. We had to distribute 5000 SIM cards listening to this I felt- “welcome to the ground of marketing”. Yet another challenge was our main target audiences and plans itself to meet around 4000 students in the hall where the seat management are just beyond imagination. A plan to visit new places outside the valley and bringing the students to attend the programs. I was super excited and nervous as they had such a huge expectation from all the team from KMC networks. Initially, our work was to distribute SIM to the students within KMC College and as per targeted students were the +2 students. We had to visit numbers of sections to inform them about this event, SIM card, procedures which were a kind of hectic schedule though we managed as we had the best team. During this crucial situation, we had to set up a place where the students can get information SIM and others. As our team leader was leading up with all the tight schedules now he had to delegate his half of this authority to me as he had to visit Jhapa to bring some of the students. Nevertheless, it was the high time to pull up my socks work for my team and college.

Numbers of heads to work with: Starting with a small step.

When you walk alone like an one-horned rhinoceros, you only think about reaching to your destination faster but when you have to walk with a team they rather become small and wise steps: Accepting challenges as not a challenges rather is perceived as an opportunity. This make sense when you think your work is important and you received a mental signal to cope within and do your job better. To deal with organizers assigning them their task first, I prepared a list in which I had formed different groups and worked on it. I had a rough time dealing with all the situation during the rush hours. Walking upstairs for more than 30 times in a day in tallness building, interacting with new faces, management, communicated information to my seniors about daily schedules, accepting the flaws and working on them. Also knowing about students’ problem, team members and many more made me feel to work harder and harder.

Though we managed to distribute almost 1200 SIM cards entry the data and submitted to Ncell. I got an opportunity to communicate with seniors’ head which I never thought of.

A general rule, the more you show interest in work the more you will get enthusiastic and activated to work. I still remember most of my team member got pissed off while working but it was my responsibility to make them feel comfortable and motivated so did I.

Think progress, believing in progress for my own self – development taught me to face obstacles and every extra effort we put on forward to accomplish your achievements.

Playing online games on your mobile is one thing and doing some work is another thing. So, we made it. Finally, we completed our task within such a tight schedule and I am proud of myself and our team to grow so far.

I got to explore myself to showcase my effort skills and dedication towards this event made me serious in upcoming project. Now, the day when we all were super excited about”


Most awaited day: The Grand Event itself – The time I reached to the venue I could see our teams just hanging around and mentioned that they felt left out over. I was not expecting that would happen all after all the effort we all put on together. As most of the authority was given to another college. The behavior they showed us with our team were unacceptable though we tried our best foot forward after all this program was linked with whole KMC Network. we were not satisfied indeed did not met our expectation. The benchmark which set in previous year comparing to this year didn’t meet my expectation. However, we could manage to keep at least one food stall without any loss in name of KMC which is the best part during programs.
Nevertheless, it’s a privileged to know, hear different personalities appointed as a speaker. Knowing about the struggle this journey to succeed in life gives you a lesson to face and fight with your failure. Life is journey where you fall and rise which is a general rule. We were quite disappointed somewhere but this is phase of our learning. For me, the important principle is to never give up on where you got to get engaged. The simplest contribution that we did all around to make this event successful is at least be joyful and a way to learn, explore and get experiences. No matter what the nature of work you do with your situations we have to remain always playful which mean you to be liberated.
Thank you Kathmandu Model College for giving me this platform to present myself as who I am.

Monika Pradhananga is a student of 7th semester, BBA at KMC

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