Research Management Cell (RMC)

Message from RMC Head
The Research Management Cell has been working to foster a culture of high-quality research and is committed to pursuing new ideas in research, innovation, intellectual activities, and knowledge frontiers. As the unit coordinator, I will aid in the development and execution of effective research projects, workshops, fieldwork, and a variety of other research-related concerns that foster a research culture for innovation.
Prof. Dr. Shreedhar Gautam
RMC, Head

Mr. Badri Acharya

Dr. Dhurba Bhattarai

Mr. Baburam Timsina

Mr. Laxman Bhatta

Mr. Sagar Kharel

Mr. Dhurba Prasad Timalsina

Mr. Binod Poudel

Mr. Ujjwal Bhattarai

Mr. Alish Rajopadhyaya
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- Promote the research culture in the teaching learning of the Kathmandu Model College.
- Ensure the effective mechanism and strengthen the organizational capacity to conduct quality research in the college.
- Coordinate with the national and international organizations on the research collaboration, funding and consultancy.
The coordinator of the Research Committee (RC) shall be the Faculty Member with large research experiences, most prefer-ly full-time faculty member.
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- Promote the research culture in the teaching learning of the Kathmandu Model College.
- Ensure the effective mechanism and strengthen the organizational capacity to conduct quality research in the college.
- Coordinate with the national and international organizations on the research collaboration, funding and consultancy.
The coordinator of the Research Committee (RC) shall be the Faculty Member with large research experiences, most prefer-ly full-time faculty member. The members shall be Program Directors, Research Subject Faculty Members, and Student. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community. The committee will be formed with the following members.
Name / Designation | Role in Committee |
Prof. Dr. Shreedhar Gautam | Coordinator |
Badri Acharya | Member |
Dipak Thapa | Member |
Dipak Prasad Oli | Member |
Bimal Gautam | Member |
Karma Lama | Member |
Ashish Pokhrel | Member |
Sisam Bajgain | Member |
Dr. Dhurba Bhattarai | Member Secretary |
The meeting of RC will be at-least once in every month. The additional meeting can be hold if required in consultation with the college chief. The venue for the meeting will be RC office room or meeting hall of the college. The meeting shall gain the legitimacy with presence of more than 50% of the members.
The duration of the committee shall be for two years. The Board of Directors can approve the extension of same committee for next one cycle.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties & Responsibilities
- Undertakes Independent and innovative research from multidisciplinary and inclusive perspectives.
- Orientation of research papers, training programs for graduate students and graduate students
- Involves college students & faculty members belonging to different disciplines in relevant research projects.
- Recommend the student and staff for the research grant or financial aid to do research based on the developed criteria.
- Write the proposal for research grants to university grant commission, universities, national and international organizations or foreign diplomatic missions.
- If the college has to submit the proposal, the proposal should be sent to as the part of institution, assessing the applicability and relevance of the research to the college.
- Established the Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with various national an international institutions and collaboration with them for research projects.
- Establish the cost sharing partnership with external agencies to conduct the research activities in collaborative manner.
- To conduct feasibility studies, historical archeological, social, economic, religious, cultural and technical research and research related activities.
- Encourage teachers and student for the research-based activity.
- Collect, review, edit the articles and published the research-based journal in regular basis.
- Promote the faculty to conduct faculty research, mini-research and collaborative research.
- Facilitate to the students and faculty to present and publish research work in different national and international journal’s and forums.
- Recommend the faculty for the their job upgrading and student for reward based on their publication and research work.
- Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book.
- Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year.
Research Management Cell (RMC) Events