Repair & Maintenance Committee (RMC)
Message from R&MC coordinator
The management of facilities at educational institutions can have an impact on students’ learning processes and, subsequently, their academic accomplishment. The Repair and Maintenance Committee is in charge of monitoring all KMC facility installation, repair, and upkeep. It is committed to better planning and administering its facilities in order to assist students in improving their academic performance.
Mr. Basudev Gautam
R&MC Coordinator
Mr. Pawan Neupane
Mr. Lekhnath Bhandari
Mrs. Punam
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- To conduct plan and ad/hoc repair and maintenance work of the structural and non-structural elements to run the college smoothly.
The coordinator of the RMC shall be member of board of directors or Program Director. The member includes Program Director, Finance Personal, Admin Staff of, Faculty, and Staff. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community.
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- To conduct plan and ad/hoc repair and maintenance work of the structural and non-structural elements to run the college smoothly.
The coordinator of the RMC shall be member of board of directors or Program Director. The member includes Program Director, Finance Personal, Admin Staff of, Faculty, and Staff. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community.
The committee will be formed with the following members.
Name / Designation | Role in Committee |
Shreedhar Acharya | Coordinator |
Pradeep Parajuli | Member |
Dhurba Prasad Timalsina | Member |
Deepak Oli | Member |
Nishan Sharma | Member |
Lekhnath Bhandari | Member |
Bhuwan K.C. | Member Secretary |
The meeting of RMC will be at-least once in every month. The additional meetings can be hold if required in the consultation with the college chief. The venue for the meeting will be RMC office room or meeting hall of the college. The meeting shall gain the legitimacy with presence of more than 50% of the members.
The duration of the committee shall be for two years. The Board of Directors can approve the extension of same committee for next one cycle.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties & Responsibilities
- Collect repair and maintenance requirement from each unit / committee, department and section in the prescribed form (Annex 15)
- Compile the repair and maintenance request received from different unit / committee, department and section.
- Analyze the condition of the classrooms, windows, doors, desk-benches, board, file rack, table-chair, drawn, electricity, lights, clock, fans, paint, floor, railing, etc. of the college.
- Analyze the condition of the sports infrastructure and materials implementation (table tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc.)
- Analyze the condition of the drinking water, toilets, filtration system, hand washing, and water tank.
- Analyze the condition of phone, computer, laptop, printer, photocopy machine, software, hard drive and other ICT materials.
- Based on the analysis and request from the different committee and department; develop separate annual repair and maintenance plan for structural and non-structural including updating of ICT equipment.
- Take approval for Annual Repair and Maintenance Plan from the BoD through College Chief before the annual budget development.
- Request for the budget for Annual Repair and Maintenance with Procurement and Finance Committee (PFC)
- Establish MoU / contract with individual and organization for regular repair, maintenance, and up-gradation work.
- Conduct the repair and maintenance work based on the plan.
- Ensure that repair and maintenance are done without hamper the teaching-learning process and manage to do during the holiday and off-hours.
- Submit the periodic report on the work progress and status to the College Chief.
- Develop the DDR / emergency plan to continue the teaching and learning in case of emergency such as disaster, relocation of college and any other situation when the structure of existing college cannot be used.
- Develop damage report (Annex 21) for any damage materials and goods.
- Coordinate with college chief and Procurement. & Finance Committee to sell / auction the materials and goods which cannot be reuse.
- Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book.
- Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year.
R&MC Events