KMC – Kathmandu Model College


Faculty Development Cell (FDC)

Message from FDC coordinator

Future of any academic institution depends on its faculty and the faculty development program plays a significant role in achieving the institution’s important and long-term goals. Therefore, KMC established a Faculty Development cell to foster innovation and educational leadership among faculties as well as to develop great human resources capable of competing in today’s global market and bringing about qualitative and quantitative improvement in the teaching-learning process.

Mr. Damodar Lamsal
FDC Coordinator

Mr. Nabin Pandey


Mr. Sushil Khadka


Ms. Ambika Thakur


Mr. Deepak Dahal


Mr. Surya Balami


Ms. Anu Dahal


Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration


  1. Develop necessary criteria for internal quality assurance of the Kathmandu Model College
  2. Conduct periodic monitoring and assessment based on those standards and indicators, internally and externally. 
  3. Facilitate the quality assurance and accreditation process of the college.
  4. Record, update and maintain the information, report & document on quality assurance in coordination with EMIS and LMS Unit. 
  5. Develop and implement the capacity development plan to support student, staff and management committee. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties & Responsibilities
    • Develop the criteria for the academic audit, organization management survey, tracer study, student satisfaction survey, and other areas as required for the quality teaching learning process. 
    • Formulated and implemented for internal quality assurance and monitoring plan in annually. 
    • Continuous monitoring on regularity of classes, effectiveness of facilities and services, maintenance of infrastructure and the overall progress of an institution. 
    • Regularly monitor the attendance and timely presence of faculty and staff. 
    • Regularly monitor the enrollment rate, retention, dropout and attendance of the student. 
    • Examine the annual/semester course plan and monitor the effectiveness of the lesson plan implementation 
    • Monitor the behavior of the teaching faculties and staff towards the student and each others. 
    • Conduct periodic discussion and feedback session between/among student, teacher, management committee, employer, parents, community & other stakeholders. 
    • Analyze the comment, feedback, suggestions received through different complain response mechanism. 
    • Ensure the inclusive, participatory and transparent process in committee formation, information sharing and decision-making. 
    • To advise the BOD on the adequacy and effectiveness of the systems of internal control and its arrangements for risk management, control and efficiency and effectiveness. 
    • To develop the performance evaluation system of the staff emphasizing on teaching-learning, innovation, lesson plan, research, extension activities, behavior, code of conduct, administration, etc.
    • Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book. 
    • Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year.

FDC Events