Career Counseling, Placement & Tracing Cell (CPTC)

Message from CPTC coordinator
Career advancement is an ongoing process. It’s about changing one’s life, changing one’s surroundings, and making continual decisions regarding one’s career and life. The CPTC imparts information and skills to help students make better professional and life decisions in the future, rather than only to aid with immediate ones. As the unit coordinator, I will assist students in understanding themselves and the world of work so that they may make appropriate professional, educational and life decisions.
Mr. Sagar Kharel
CPTC Coordinator

Ms. Mijala Kayastha

Ms. Babita Simkhada

Mr. Alish Rajopadhyaya

Mr. Mohan K.C.
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- To provide academic, career and psycho-social counseling
- Track and employ graduates for fostering the college relationship with the community.
- To capacitated students with required knowledge and skills for job placement and self-employment.
The CPTC coordinator shall be the full-time faculty member with no or less class load.
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- To provide academic, career and psycho-social counseling
- Track and employ graduates for fostering the college relationship with the community.
- To capacitated students with required knowledge and skills for job placement and self-employment.
The CPTC coordinator shall be the full-time faculty member with no or less class load. The members shall be Placement Officer; President of Alumni Association, HoD – Social Work, Program Directors, Faculty, Board Members, Staff and Students. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community. The committee will be formed with the following members.
Name / Designation | Role in Cell |
Rochak Bohora | Coordinator |
Surendra Subedi | Member |
Muna Lamichhane | Member |
Kabi Phuyal | Member |
Dashrath Silwal | Member |
Mohan K.C. | Member |
Sajana Pradhananga | Member |
Monika Devkota | Member |
Grishma Rimal | Member |
Pradeep Parajuli (Placement Officer) | Member Secretary |
The meeting of Counseling, Placement & Tracing Cell will be at-least once in every month. The additional meetings can be hold if required in the consultation with the college chief. The venue for the meeting will be Counseling, Placement & Tracing Cell office room or meeting hall of the college. The meeting shall gain the legitimacy with presence of more than 50% of the members.
The duration of the committee shall be for two years. The Board of Directors can approve the extension of same committee for next one cycle.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties & Responsibilities
- Provide counseling to potential student and parents for the selection of the right programs for the study.
- Take interview of students and parents during the admission period to know the needs of the student and parents.
- Counsel the students who demonstrate consistence low academic record.
- Recommend Program Director for remedial and extra classes those students who are continuously achieving low.
- Understand, document confidentially and take concrete initiatives to support student in need.
- Seek application for the students for merits and non-merit based scholarship and analyzed it.
- Recommend the College Chief with the students who require merit and non-merit based scholarship and financial aid.
- Ensure provision of scholarship and financial aid in the annual budget of the college.
- Encourage teacher to take part in academic and career counseling of the student.
- Ensure that college has developed the comprehensive Feedback & Suggestion Handing Guideline (FSHG).
- Functionalize the multiple FSHG system to collect feedback from student, staff, and community.
- Monitoring the complain and feedback received in daily basis and take lead to form the ad/hoc committee based on the severity of the complain/feedback (as stated in the Feedback & Suggestion Handing Guideline) to address it.
- Analysis complains and feedbacks received in the leadership of IQAC.
- Gather information of job avenues and placements in different institutions and concerns related to the courses that the college offers.
- Analyze information in the local, regional and national contexts to explore its relevance and utility for the students in their placement and on job-training.
- Organize seminars and guidance workshops to inform students about the emerging professional trends and events, job profiles, leadership roles, entrepreneurship, market needs, risks and implementation of national socio-economic policies and to impart training in soft skills.
- Support student with CV development, mock-test, interview tips to prepare for the job placement.
- Establish formal relationship with the potential employers / organization in college neighborhood, national level and international level.
- Hold annual employment meet among students, faculties and employers.
- Arrange visit program by organizations, industries and employers for employment and placement opportunities.
- Encourage students to start their own business by providing the seed funding by formalizing the student incubation center.
- Record the partnering industries, potential employer, placement/employment data, recommendation for job placement, and letter exchanges in relation placement service.
- Conduct exit interview of the final year graduate before handing certificate.
- Develop tool to trace graduate in-aligned with the UGC tool.
- Trace the graduate student in the support of Alumni Association in annual basis.
- Operationalize the Alumni Association and provide necessary guidance.
- Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book.
- Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year.
CPTC Events