KMC – Kathmandu Model College


Recruitment & Staff Management Committee (RSMC)

“Recruit for attitude, train for skill.”

                                                             -Atul Gawande

Surendra Subedi

Message from RSMC coordinator

The overarching purpose of human resource management at any educational institution is to attract, develop, retain, and encourage workers to meet the institutional goals. RSMC’s Human resource management strategies have been playing a crucial role in improving KMC’s performance.

Mr. Surendra Subedi
RSMC Coordinator

Dr. Durga Jung K.C.


Dr. Dhurba Bhattarai


Dhurba Prasad Timalsina


Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration


  1. Improve the effectiveness of the college by the support of motivated and healthy human resources and through promising accountability, performance management system and focus on quality of student’s service.


The formation of Recruitment & Staff Management Committee shall be as stated in the Administrative Policy of the college. The committee will be formed with the following members. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Develop efficient and inclusive mechanism to attract the qualified potential candidate in the vacant position of the college. 
  • To build positive impression of the recruitment process.
  • To create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the college.
  • To recruit right people who will fit in to college culture and contribute to the college goals.
  • To determine current and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.
  • To help upwards the achievement rate of choice process by diminishing number of unmistakably under-qualified or overqualified work candidates.
  • To help decrease in the likelihood that activity candidates once enlisted and chose will leave the organization after a brief time frame.
  • To meet the organizations lawful and social commitments with respect to the synthesis of its workforce.
  • To identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
  • To increment organization and individual effectiveness of different selecting systems temporarily and long haul.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting technique and sources for all types of job applicants. 
  • While considering a faculty member for promotion or tenure, s/he need to achieve three key objectives: 
    • To ensure it’s a fair and timely process
    • To ensure faculty excellence: Conduct a thorough evaluation of a candidate’s portfolio by the experts in areas closely related to his/her discipline 
    • To ensure that the evaluation standards are consistent across the board.
  • Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book. 
  • Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year. 

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