EMIS, Examination and Evaluation Committee
Education Management Information System (EMIS) & Learning Management System (LMS) Unit along with Examination and Evaluation.
“Data is the lifeline of every educational institution.”
Message from Examination & Evaluation coordinator
The successful management of today’s education system requires effective policy making and system monitoring through statistics and information. The EMIS and LMIS unit has enabled KMC to make information-based decisions for effective system management. It is also promoting a culture of open communication, exchange of information for teaching and learning, tracking of educational performance and planning for growth.
Mrs. Amita Koirala
Examination & Evaluation Coordinator
Mr. Pawan Neupane
Mr. Prince Karna
Mr. Binod Paudel
MEMBER Secretary
Mr. Devi Raman Tiwari
Mr. Lekhnath Bhandari
Mr. Sagar Kharel
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- Improve capacities in collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, and disseminating data so that college’s decision-makers such as college chief, management committee and employers can base their decisions on timely and reliable data.
- Enrich the computer-aid based teaching-learning system by improving the computer literacy of the student, staff and faculty.
- Cater to improvise the technologies and information management system in every sectors of the college.
Objective, Formation, Meeting & Duration
- Improve capacities in collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, and disseminating data so that college’s decision-makers such as college chief, management committee and employers can base their decisions on timely and reliable data.
- Enrich the computer-aid based teaching-learning system by improving the computer literacy of the student, staff and faculty.
- Cater to improvise the technologies and information management system in every sectors of the college.
The coordinator of the Education Management Information System (EMIS) & LMS Unit shall be Admin Head or Computer Head or any staff/college member with high level computer or ICT skills. The members shall be Program Directors, Faculty, Exam Head, BOD members, Staff and Student. The member shall be inclusive of gender, ethnicity and wider-college community. The committee will be formed with the following members.
Name / Designation | Role in Unit |
Prem Parajuli | Coordinator |
Dhurba Prasad Timalsina | Member |
Pradeep Parajuli | Member |
Rochak Bohora | Member |
Prakriti Ghimire | Member |
Romina Udas | Member |
Bhuwan K.C. | Member Secretary |
The meeting of EMIS & LMS Unit will be at-least once in every month. The additional meetings can be hold if required in the consultation with the college chief. The venue for the meeting will be EMIS & LMS Unit office room or meeting hall of the college. The meeting shall gain the legitimacy with presence of more than 50% of the members.
The duration of the committee shall be for two years. The Board of Directors can approve the extension of same committee for next one cycle.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties & Responsibilities
- Develop the checklist for the data to be collected, stored and analyzed.
- Categorization of the data for internal use, UGC/TU reporting and publication.
- Encourage college to store the data and information in file, computer and cloud space.
- Collect and store data and information of all students, parents, teachers, staff and stakeholders.
- Update the personal details of the students, teachers and staff of the college as well as related facts and figures and manage the records.
- Enforce the inclusive data collection and storage with mandatory field of Gender, Ethnicity, EDJ, Madheshi, and Disability for Individual-level data.
- Develop different tools in coordination with IQAC for collect Student Experience, Track Graduate Student, Institutional Management Survey, etc.
- Ensure consistency in the data and information of the college (student enrolled, drop-out, graduated, staff details, etc.)
- Develop or procure comprehensive EMIS and Learning Management System (LMS) for the college.
- Train student, teacher and staff to use the EMIS and LMS.
- Ensure provision of computer-aid teaching in the lesson plan of the faculty.
- Develop training program in coordination with IQAC, Program Director and College Chief for 100% computer literate college.
- Make sure that college weekly class plan includes one hour of the computer-lab period for each class.
- Develop the user guide or catalogue for the Learning Management System (LMS).
- Encourage student and faculty to use LMS for teaching learning process.
- Tackle the issue and challenges of LMS and contact the vendor for any solved issue.
- Provide access of LMS to the student and staff.
- Change username or password, if student and staff forget or missed it.
- Ensure the data back-up of LMS in regular basis in cloud and hard-drive.
- Contact vendors to add new features and tools as per the requirement of the course in consultation with college chief.
- Take lead in providing technical support for the procurement, operation and maintenance of ICT equipment.
- Make use of official Social Medias (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), Website, Email for information dissemination in coordination with PRPBOD.
- Coordinate with UGC and TU for the yearly Statistical data reporting.
- Act for the last resort for data uniformity, authenticity, compilation and reporting.
- Ensure budget provision for installation, upgrading and maintenance of the ICT equipment.
- Maintain the meeting minutes in separate minutes book.
- Provide the narrative and financial report in the prescribed format (Annex 20) with-in 15 days of new academic year.
EMIS & LMS Events